Friday, August 24, 2012

A fruit for every taste is to be found!!! Meditations recap

I have so immensely enjoyed these first steps on our journey down memory lane, as we go back to ponder on our existence, even prior to being in the womb, we looked back at our pre-human essence and found cosmic dust. We focused on the immensity of it all and then in the minuscule, the magic of the tiny pieces that make up the puzzle of interconnected life. We moved onto conception and the spark of love that created our first cells and now we will move on to the time in the Golden Cocoon. Still, I have realized I have friends who seek the meditation in English, and those who await my post in Spanish, so I have decided to split the two into separate blogs. On Facebook, I post the English version first, then the Spanish version. The amazonquest blog will house our English conversation and luzdeluna will house the Spanish version, starting with the ones posted next week, last week of August. Please do post comments and feel free to share your thoughts or questions on either platform.
With love,
Lina Cuartas.

Meditation#1 A Meditation on Cosmic Dust

The Beginning and the End- A Meditation on Cosmic Dust
We are all made of cosmic dust, and cosmic dust we will become again. I had heard this over and over again, but the few times it has really made sense and I have thoroughly felt the lack of division and an intense sense of connection with all of creation, this realization has always been achieved by the sublime amazement Nature inspires in me.
I still remember the first time I saw the ocean. I couldn't get enough of it, I tasted it, I swallowed it, I swam in it, I did not want to leave, even though I looked as red as a lobster, but I just did not see the point of leaving if my heart had seemed to find its perfect playground. But I had to leave, and always, when I find my way back to the majesty of the sea, enveloping me with its salty taste and its constant motion, I feel right at home. I longed to go deep into the forest in this same passionate way too, and when I first flew over the majestic canopy of thick green tones, from emerald to lime, it beckoned like a living carpet, inviting me to dive in. Seduced by its wild mysteries, I felt an even stronger sense of belonging. The rhythms of life and death seem to be so spontaneous in all of nature's scenarios; decay and rebirth seem to fuse into each other seamlessly, with or without interference of man-made creation or distraction, and creatures large and small follow their instincts, live fully, die and contribute to the web of life.
And so shall I. I was part of this exchange of cells and matter before death, I was already contained in this universe before I assumed this human form, and as dust, once again, I will never really disappear, never cease to exist, just change shape, and perhaps glitter in the sunlight when a child of tomorrow opens the window to reveal a brand new day.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Meditation #3 A Spark of Love

Meditation #3 A Spark of Love
This week will allow us to explore the gratitude we owe to the two beings whom, in a selfless moment of surrender, deleted the barriers that separate individuals and by fusing their humanities, created the magic portal that allowed each one of us to enter this world.
This is the day of my conception, I know I was conceived in love and in a specific place, in a tiny cozy home in Medellín, Colombia. There was hope, faith and purpose in the act of communal creation that resulted in my pulsing heart. Life would become tangled and estrange these two human beings, Jaime and María del Pilar, eventually leading them on completely independent paths.
Yet, today I rejoice in that sacred moment when they answered my knock on the door and allowed me to enter the world as a result of a spark of love. I said yes to life and my mom housed me within her body for nine whole months. My heart is full of gratitude to my parents, both of them, with all their frailties and their gifts, they allowed me to be who I am.
Even though we might not remember or know specifics about the story of our conception, we can ponder about that season of becoming, those first cells multiplying at phenomenal speeds, pulsing with life, creating differentiated structures, growing within a carefully crafted plan, minute extremities, throbbing with purpose, each and every detail of a tiny, perfect person unfolding in order to carry out a divine design.
I imagine the joy of the Creator, of the Magic originator, rejoicing in that miracle, in the splendor of this physical expression of Hope, Life and Love. This was the beginning of the Sacred mystery of my Life, a spark of love within the cloud of unknowing that surrounded two lives, willing to stake a claim of belief in the world by creating a new life, mine to decipher and to develop, to unpack and evolve. In gratitude I celebrate my beginning, brimming with Amazing Grace!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Meditation #2, Every petal of every flower, UNIQUE!

Victoria Amazónica Meditation #2

Every drop of water, every leaf on every tree, every petal of every flower, UNIQUE!
Before I was held in the safety of the womb, I was already contained in the Being of God, whose breath infuses every living thing with purpose. I have been cherished and known forever.
From the vastness of being encompassed by the massive universality of cosmic powder, we are focusing now on the minute, the individual, the tiny pieces of the puzzle that allow the whole to attain its strength and beauty, its complete-ness.
I envision the day before I was a spark of life; combustion created by the fusion of two beings coinciding in intention and relenting to my desire to enter the world. I had been held an cherished for all Eternity in the mind and heart of God.
I am pure presence. What was that pre-existence like?
Did I fervently wish to Be? Where was I? I can see myself as an energy, a light, realizing an imminent, dramatic change. I was required to leave everything I knew, everything I had, and enter a world of complicated strangers, arriving poor, defenseless, tiny and to make matters even worse, naked! Was I ready to come when I was sent? I do not know many of the answers, but if God's plan for the world included my presence in it, I accept the invitation. I am willing to live in the world, fully and intensely, knowing I will be guided, held, and instrumental within the artistry of the design of it all. Just as every drop of water is unique when seen under a microscope, every leaf distinct and every petal on every flower adds to the majesty of its bearer, I too have my individual vitality and my place in the world.
Ponder on your own individuality, imagine your pre-existence and journal and use your creativity as this week unfolds to relive your time as pure potentiality.