Thursday, January 31, 2013

Meditation #20 The Call to BE

Meditation #20 The Call to BE
I am back with my Meditations. The last one was short, concise and powerful, based on the fact that no-one can be better at being You than You, and this one will propel us further. The Call is To BE, to be more, to be holy, as Macrina Wiederkehr so daringly voices. But in her book "A Tree Full of Angels" she details it even further. To be holy in today's reality entails seeing the sacred in the ordinary in order to keep the spark of life ablaze within. In her meditation she confesses how the Church might have disillusioned and hurt her, either by changing too fast or by not changing at all, and I identified with this assertion. How many of us no longer feel the Church responds to our needs or feeds us, but the invitation is to forgive and move on, and to remember you are a "portable chapel". You carry God wherever you go, and every human encounter is Holy when approached in this light. She beautifully declares: "I want to be a bucket for the sharing of the water of life. " And, being echo to the invitations I am voicing in my Lunita Company page, the summons entail falling in love with life all over again; remaining aware of the sacred mystery of life; becoming artists at life.
"Artists are those who have visions. There is something of and artist in ALL OF US. Artists have hungry hearts and hungry eyes; hungry for truth, hunger to understand, to know, to create, to see the depth of things. They are not satisfied with our ordinary, dim way of seeing."
We conclude with her prayer: "Help me, Oh Lord, to help answer prayers. A Saint is one who exaggerates what the world neglects."
With love,

Meditation #19 The Geography of Your Destiny.

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
― John O'Donohue, 'Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom'
Powerful words posted by Alejandra Calle-Cook, they summarize Meditation #19, which follows the reflection on Nativity, so befittingly, we are summoning a new You, which is not your Ego, or your Profession, or your Relationships, it is the You that resides within, the one accessed through meditation, through serenity and the relentless, quiet pursuit of living with Presence and Mindfulness. 

"Tan sólo tu alma conoce la geografía de tu destino. Tu alma posee el mapa de tu futuro, por tanto, debes confiar en este lado oblicuo, indirecto de tu ser. Si lo haces, te llevará donde tienes que ir, pero aún más importante, te enseñara una dulzura de ritmo en tu jornada."
-John O'Donohue,'Anam Cara: Un libro de Sabiduría Celta'
Palabras poderosas compartidas por Alejandra Calle-Cook, resumen la Meditación #19, la que sigue a la reflexión sobre la Navidad, tan apropiadamente, estamos llamando a un nuevo Yo, aquel que no es tu Ego, ni tu Profesión, ni tus Relaciones, es el Yo que vive en ti, aquel al que llegamos al meditar, el que hallamos con serenidad y la permanente, callada búsqueda de vivir con Presencia y Conciencia.
Con Amor,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Meditation #18 "All is well, You are Beloved"

Meditation #18 "All is well, You are Beloved"
Last time we were pondering about Growing Pains and the sheer thrill of adolescence. This time around, precisely on Christmas, we are invited to reflect upon the presence of God in our lives. How has he manifested his power as your days have unfolded?
I vividly recall an image that made me feel a Loving, Reassuring presence in a moment when I desperately needed it. I was eighteen years old and had left home to fly very, very far away, and as I was riding on a bus back home, crossing the barren, frozen landscape of Salt Lake City. I felt so lonesome and lost. There was a mother traveling with a child, and they caught my eye because the little girl's hair was a glowing, deep black wild mane, so much like mine, and as I watched, her mother took out a comb and started the loving ritual of untangling that blessed mess. She then carefully parted the thick, wavy locks and carefully wove them, trapping them into thick, strong braids that she decorated with red yarn. I felt like I was watching a scene from my own childhood, and I remembered my own Mother's loving hands brushing my hair, and I cried. Ironically, after my outburst, I felt reassured, comforted, and held within the certainty that I too had known love and that thought felt like a shield, an armorplate that life, in all its fierceness, could not penetrate. I had a Capital Mother, so it is perhaps logical that the most meaningful image of God I hold is a Mother's love. But sacred texts and theology offer some beautiful images, and perhaps one of them works best for you. My second best is the image of an eagle teaching her young to fly, or as I read it really happens, pushing them out of the nest. Other options include God as a shepherd, a lamb, a king, a warrior of righteousness, a ray of sunlight piercing the clouds (a definite winner on my list), a fiery spirit engulfing a brush, the masterful designer of the web of life, a bleeding heart, a friend who knows even the number of hairs on our heads, a loving friend who washes our feet, or a person just like you and me, who loved his way into splitting history in two.
What is your vision of the Deity, the presence that reassures, glows from within and reminds you that all is well and that you are beloved, time and time again?
Can it find shelter in your heart and be reborn once again, revealing your own Nativity?
With Love and Light, wishing you a Rebirth of all sorts=)