This morning, I had reviewed my recent writings and I wondered why I had chosen to call them Meditations. I am immersed in a wonderful present I got yesterday, my Birthday is still showering its blessings. This extraordinary gift was a book, given to me by a sister soul, and its title seemed to reveal what I have been feeling lately, as I saw the picture Susi took of m
e, as I traveled all month with the love of my life and as I look at the watch and taking the kids to school and picking them up no longer structures my days: the title that seemed to fit me like a new hat : "The Untethered Soul". As I navigate its wealth, I found an answer to my early morning question:
"When you contemplate the nature of Self, you are meditating. That is why meditation is the highest state. It is the return to the root of your being, the simple awareness of being aware.Once you become conscious of the consciousness itself, you attain a totally different state. You are now aware of who you are. You have become and awakened being. It's really the most natural thing in the world. Here I am. Here I always was. It's like you have been on the couch watching TV, but you were so totally immersed in the show that you forgot where you were. Someone shook you, and now you are back to the awareness that you're sitting on the couch watching TV. NOthing else changed. You simply stopped projecting your sense of self onto that particular object of consciousness. You WOKE UP. That is spirituality. That is the nature of self. That is who you are.
...this world ceases to be a problem. It's just something you are watching. It keeps changing, but there is no sense of that being a problem. The more you are willing to just let the world be something you're aware of, the more it will let you be who you are."
"When you contemplate the nature of Self, you are meditating. That is why meditation is the highest state. It is the return to the root of your being, the simple awareness of being aware.Once you become conscious of the consciousness itself, you attain a totally different state. You are now aware of who you are. You have become and awakened being. It's really the most natural thing in the world. Here I am. Here I always was. It's like you have been on the couch watching TV, but you were so totally immersed in the show that you forgot where you were. Someone shook you, and now you are back to the awareness that you're sitting on the couch watching TV. NOthing else changed. You simply stopped projecting your sense of self onto that particular object of consciousness. You WOKE UP. That is spirituality. That is the nature of self. That is who you are.
...this world ceases to be a problem. It's just something you are watching. It keeps changing, but there is no sense of that being a problem. The more you are willing to just let the world be something you're aware of, the more it will let you be who you are."
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